2002 Chateau Haut-Bages Averous + 2002 Chateau Rieussec
2002 Chateau Haut-Bages Averous
2nd Wine of Lynch Bages The 2002 Haut Bages Averous has black fruit on the nose, silk and elegance across the palate, quite delicious, medium ruby red, super clean
Creme Cassis and mouthful and mouthful of sheer dark fruits attacking the palate, a little sweet this time, deep ruby in colour! Absolutely ready to go and it certainly delivered!
Translucent deep ruby red in colour. Nose of creme cassis and a touch of Asian spice, a touch of
leather. Dark fruits dominated with a bit cracked black pepper. Tannins are refined and well
integrated. Drinking rather nicely at the moment!
2002 Chateau Rieussec
這是一款來自法國波爾多蘇玳產區的甜白葡萄酒,為1855蘇玳及巴薩克一級莊拉菲萊斯古堡 酒莊的正牌酒。1984年,羅斯柴爾德(Rothschild)家族入主酒莊,這款酒會根據年份的特點在新桶比例為50%-55% 的橡木桶中陳釀18-26個月,成酒散發著柑橘、杏幹、焦糖和桃子的芬芳,香氣清新濃郁, 酒體飽滿,口感豐富,餘味悠長。在2004年《葡萄酒觀察家》(Wine Spectator)百大葡 萄酒排行榜中,其2001年份獲得滿分評價,位列榜首。