[原價 $328] 香港情懷 高鐵火車吹氣燈籠與音樂 香港情懷設計 同時也融入了高鐵現代科技的元素 高品質材料 中秋節充滿了團圓 和諧與歡慶的氛圍 為節日增添了濃厚的節慶氣氛 平行進口產品 Hong Kong Feelings High Speed Train with Music Lantern Parallel import goods

[原價 $328] 香港情懷 高鐵火車吹氣燈籠與音樂 香港情懷設計 同時也融入了高鐵現代科技的元素 高品質材料 中秋節充滿了團圓 和諧與歡慶的氛圍 為節日增添了濃厚的節慶氣氛 平行進口產品 Hong Kong Feelings High Speed Train with Music Lantern Parallel import goods


香港情懷 高鐵火車吹氣燈籠與音樂 香港情懷設計 同時也融入了高鐵現代科技的元素 高品質材料 中秋節充滿了團圓 和諧與歡慶的氛圍 為節日增添了濃厚的節慶氣氛 平行進口產品

Hong Kong Feelings High Speed Train with Music Lantern Parallel import goods

購買連結 Order hyperlink







1) 香港情懷設計



2) 結合現代與傳統  



3) 高品質材料




4) 音樂功能



5) 易於使用與攜帶




* 家庭團聚



* 戶外慶祝



* 文化傳承




* 材質:高品質PVC

* 電池:可更換電池(需另購)

* 燈光:採用LED燈,光線柔和不刺眼

* 產地:中國

中秋節象徵著團圓與歡慶,而「香港情懷 高鐵火車吹氣燈籠與音樂」無疑是這個節日中的一抹亮色。



Symbolic Significance of the Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the most important traditional festivals in the Chinese-speaking world, is filled 

with an atmosphere of reunion, harmony, and celebration. During this special time, families gather together to 

enjoy delicious mooncakes, admire the bright full moon, and celebrate this poetic festival. Lanterns, as a traditional 

symbol of the Mid-Autumn Festival, represent light and hope, adding a rich festive atmosphere to the celebration.

Product Features

1) Hong Kong Sentiment Design

This High-Speed Train Inflatable Lantern draws its design inspiration from Hong Kong's iconic high-speed train. 

The exquisite appearance and intricate details embody a strong sense of Hong Kong sentiment. It is not just a lantern,

 but a cultural symbol representing the speed and modernity of Hong Kong.

2) Combination of Modern and Traditional

This lantern combines the traditional Mid-Autumn lantern with a modern high-speed train, preserving the cultural tradition 

of the Mid-Autumn Festival while integrating elements of modern technology. The built-in music function allows you to feel 

the perfect blend of tradition and modernity within the festive atmosphere.

3) High-Quality Materials

Made from high-quality plastic, this product is durable and meets international safety standards. The inflatable design

 makes the lantern lightweight and portable, allowing children to carry and play with it safely. The LED light inside the

lantern is not only energy-efficient and environmentally friendly but also features multiple color-changing effects, 

adding endless fun to night celebrations.

4) Music Function

The lantern is equipped with a built-in music player that can be activated with a single button, playing delightful 

classic Mid-Autumn tunes. This is not just a lantern but a small concert stage that fills the entire festival with 

joyous melodies.

5) Easy to Use and Carry

This inflatable lantern is designed to be lightweight and easy to inflate and deflate, making it convenient to use. Whether 

for home decoration, outdoor activities, or school Mid-Autumn celebrations, it is highly suitable. When folded, it is 

compact and easy to store and carry.

Usage Scenarios and Suggestions

* Family Gatherings

On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, families can gather together, light up this high-speed train lantern, and 

listen to the delightful music, feeling the warmth of family and the festive atmosphere. Children can carry the lanterns 

and happily play at home or in the neighborhood, enjoying endless fun.

* Outdoor Celebrations

Whether for community events or school Mid-Autumn celebrations, this lantern is an excellent choice. Its lightweight 

design allows children to carry it freely, and the LED light effects make evening activities more colorful and become 

the highlight of the event.

* Cultural Heritage

For the younger generation, this lantern is not just a toy for the Mid-Autumn Festival but also a medium for learning

and understanding traditional culture. By using this lantern, which combines modern elements, they can recognize 

and appreciate the meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival through play, and pass on this valuable culture.

Product Specifications

* Material: High-quality PVC

* Battery: Replaceable batteries (sold separately)

* Lighting: LED light with soft, non-glare illumination

* Place of Origin:** China

The Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes reunion and celebration, and the "Hong Kong Feelings High-Speed Train Inflatable

Lantern with Music" is undoubtedly a bright spot during this festival. It not only carries the modern atmosphere of 

Hong Kong but also blends the traditional culture of the Mid-Autumn Festival, bringing a unique festive experience to you

 and your family. Choose this lantern to make your Mid-Autumn Festival even more radiant and joyful, and share this warmth 

and happiness with your family.

*** 請成人務必詳細閲讀 ***

Accompanied Adult Must Read


* 窒息危險,含細小配件,不宜3歲以下小童。

* 請勿將產品放入口中,以免誤食。

* 醫告!使用時不應罪近耳朵!使用不當會導致陳力損傷。

* 本玩具不得接觸火源。

* 請由成年人指導下使用。

* 請保留此包裝,以備日後參考使用。

* 包裝部分不是玩具,請勿讓小童玩耍,以免發生危險!


* 電池不包括在貨品內。

* 需使用適當電池 (2粒“AAA”(1.5V)電池)


* 請依說明圖安裝電池。

* 按(+)(-)極安裝電池。

* 請將耗盡的電池取出。

* 產品不使用時,請將電池取出。

* 勿讓通電部份短路。

* 電池必須由成人負貴更換及安裝・

* 請勿將新舊電池及舊電池混合使用。

* 請勿將鹼性電池, 標準電池(碳鋅電池)或


* 非充電池不能再充電。

* 請勿使用已洩漏或腐蝕的尾池或為它們充電。

* 請勿浸泡水中。

* 請以安全的方式棄羅電池,切勿將電池棄置火中,


* 充電池在充電之前,需從產品中取出。

* 充電池請由成年人指導下進行充電。

* 電池、電池蓋及螺絲有被誤吞的可能,

* 勿將本產品給予3歲以下小童。


* CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts. Not suitable for children under 3 years old.

* Do not put the product into the mouth in order to avoid suffocation,

* Warning! Do not use close to the ear! Misuse may cause damage to hearing.

* Do not put the toy nearby fire,

* Please use the product under adult supervision.

* Please retain packaging for future reference.

* The package is not part of the toy. Keep away from children.

Battery Installation:

* Batteries not included.

* Please install correct batteries 2 x "AAA"size (1.5V) Battery),

  otherwise may cause short-circuited.

* Please follow instruction in the diagram to install the battery.

* Insert batteries with the correct (+) (-) polarity.

* Exhausted batteries need to be removed from toy.

* Remove batteries from the toy when not in use.

* The supply terminals are not to be short circuited.

* Batteries should be replaced by an adult.

* Do not mix new and used batteries.

* Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc),

 or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.

* Non-rechargeable batteries cannot be recharge.

* Do not use or charge the batteries that show leakage or corrosion.

* Do not immerse in water.

* Dispose of batteries safely. Do not dispose of battery in fire.

 Battery may explode or leak.

* Rechargeable batteries are to be removed from toy before being charged.

* Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision.

* Batteries, battery cover & screws may be swallowed by children.

 Do not pass this product to children below 3 years old.

* 切勿過量充氣或以高壓充氣。

* 採用安全質料,柔軟拉、力強, 選用特別色印、色薄艷麗。

* 質感細緻,觸感舒服

* 本商品經24小時充氣測試,有保險活塞。

* 使用電泵充氣時,不要過快。

* 產品規格或圖樣未必與彩盒上的圓樣一致。

* Do not overinflate or use high pressure air to inflate.

* High quality sturdy vinyl.

* Comfortable touchings.

* 24 Hours inflatable pre-test: safely valve.

* When using an electric pump to inflate, do not use it quickly.

* The specification and design of the product may differ with the picture.




公司名稱 : 家+Club
顧客查詢電話 : 66571169
Whatsapp 號碼 : https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=85266571169
顧客查詢電郵 : cs@jnm.com.hk
公司網址 : https://www.familyclubplus.com.hk

Facebook 鏈接 : https://www.facebook.com/familyclubplus

商戶地址 :
Unit D02, 4/F, Tak Wing Industrial Building, No.3 Tsun Wen Road, Tuen Mun, N.T, Hong Kong
香港新界屯門震寰路3號德榮工業大廈 4樓 D02室


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